Microbiome in Mind
Jane Dudley

At this stage Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is completely experimental for any mental illness including bipolar disorder. As such access to FMT in a clinical setting is limited and many people are resorting to DIY FMT in an attempt to treat their mental illness symptoms. I In no way endorse DIY FMT, however until FMT is proven safe and efficacious for mental illness in clinical trials, I know that more and more people will resort to DIY FMT. DIY FMT is potentially extremely dangerous if the donor is not thoroughly screened. Due to my concern around safety issues with DIY FMT I have created resources for people who are considering experimenting with DIY FMT so that people can do all they can to reduce the potential risks involved. I have also created a resource with links to known FMT clinics in Australia and the world.
Links to resources:
FMT donor selection and screening protocol
FMT Case studies for mental illness